
The Japan Academy of Multinational Enterprises is an academic society based in Japan. The Academy was established in August 2007 as a successor to the Workshop for Multinational Enterprises, a study group organized by associated scholars and experts from related fields.

The Workshop for Multinational Enterprises, the first of its kind in Japan, was founded in 1972 by Dr. Itaro Irie of Kobe University to investigate multinational enterprises using both a theoretical and empirical approach.

Previous research activities had emphasized the basic theory and empirical study of early MNEs. This Academy will broaden the interest in interdisciplinary research corresponding with the recent expansion of internationalization of Japanese firms.

Our major activities include;

  1. Regular research meetings every two months at the Eastern and Western Chapter.
  2. Hosting of an MNE Academy annual national convention.
  3. Publishing of the annual MNE Academy Journal.
  4. Presentation of the society award to outstanding research conducted by an Academy member.

Annual Meeting Agenda Items

No. Y/M/D Items
16(57) 2023/7/1 Current Capabilities of Japanese Multinationals and Challenges
15(56) 2022/6/27 The New Cold War between the US and China and Multinational Corporations
14(55) 2021/7/4 Food Globalization and Multinational Corporations
13(54) 2020/10/31 The New Coronavirus Issue and Multinational Corporations: Impact on Multinational Corporations and Future Research on Multinationals and Multinational Corporations
12(53) 2019/7/6 Geopolitical Risks and Multinational Enterprises―Pursuing Optimal Global Strategic Coordination Capabilities-
11(52) 2018/7/7 The Boundaries Surrounding MNEs, Revisited
10(51) 2017/7/15 The Roles of MNEs in Future Society
9(50) 2016/7/8 Applying the Historical Approaches to International Business
8(49) 2015/7/11 The Pursuit of Research Style on MNEs in Japan.
7(48) 2014/7/5 The Characteristics of Multinationalization in the Service Industries.
6(47) 2013/7/13 The Expansion of Japanese Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises in Asia.
5(46) 2012/7/7 The Destabilization of the World Economy and New Challenges for MNEs.
4(45) 2011/7/9 MNEs and Emerging Market-based Firms. New Developments in BOP Business.
3(44) 2010/7/10 New Frontiers for MNE Theory and Strategy.
2(43) 2009/7/11 MNEs and the World Economy under Hardship.
1(42) 2008/6/28 Emerging BRICs and Strategic Transformation of MNEs. Coping with the Emerging Market Trends.
41 2007/7/28 BRICs and MNEs.
40 2006/7/29 Research and Development Trends for MNEs.
39 2005/7/30 MNEs and Intangible Assets.
38 2004/7/31 The Multinationalization of Service Industries.
37 2003/7/26 Industrial Reorganization among MNEs. The Examination of Specific Industry Sectors.
36 2002/2/12 New MNE Trends in the 21st Century (30th Anniversary National Convention).
35 2001/6/30 Corporate Governance of MNEs and the Changes in the External Environment in the 21st Century.
34 2000/7/1 Progressing Globalization. Lights and Shadows of MNEs.
33 1999/7/3 Regional Integration and MNEs.
32 1998/7/4 Economic Crises in East Asia and MNEs.
31 1997/7/5 Environmental Issues and MNEs.
30 1996/7/6 The Regionalization of the World Economy and the MNE Response. Prospects in the Era of Networking.
29 1995/7/8 The Era of Asia Pacific and MNEs.
28 1994/7/2 Redefining MNEs.
27 1993/7/3 MNEs in the Era of Symbiosis.
26 1992/7/4 Globalization and Regionalization. New Stages of Economic Friction and MNEs.
25 1991/7/6 MNEs and Globalization.
24 1990/11/1 MNE Scenarios for the 21st Century (20th Anniversary National Convention).
23 1989/6/1 Development of the Asia Pacific Region and MNEs.
22 1988/6/1 MNE Cultural Background.
21 1987/6/1 Global Industrial Reorganization. Cooperative Competition and the MNE.
20 1986/6/1 MNE in the Era of the Pacific Rim. Upcoming Challenges and Collaboration.
19 1985/6/1 MNEs in the Era of the New Pacific Region. Considering North-east Asian Economic Partnerships.
18 1984/6/1 International Transfer of Management Resources.
17 1983/6/1 Management Strategy of MNEs in a Global Economic Recession.
16 1982/6/1 MNEs and Technology.
15 1981/11/1 Future Prospects of Investment in Industrialized Countries.
14 1981/3/1 International Industrial Adjustment and MNEs.
13 1980/6/1 Middle-income Countries and MNEs.
12 1979/9/1 Experimenting with New Direct Investment Theory. Images of MNE Top Management from a Japan-US Comparison.
11 1979/3/1 Decision-making Theory of General Trading Companies. Technology Transfer of MNEs.
10 1978/11/1 Tangent Point of Macro- and Micro-economic Approaches Towards MNEs. Japanese Firm Business in Industrialized Countries.
9 1978/3/1 The Current Status and Agenda of Direct Investment in Industrialized Countries. MNEs and the International Investment System.
8 1977/7/1 Basic Conditions for Establishing the Japanese MNE Model.
7 1976/12/1 Exploring Corporate Groups and the Japanese MNE Model. MNEs and Taxation.
6 1976/3/1 Various Conditions for Establishing the Japanese MNE Model.
5 1975/6/1 Natural Resource Development and Economic Growth. State Ownership, the Nationalization of Foreign Assets, and Western Country Investment Guarantees.
4 1974/9/1 MNE Ownership Structure. A Behavioral Survey of MNEs from a Case in Thailand.
3 1974/3/1 Theories of International Industrial Organization Policy. Growth Strategy and the Characteristics of Japanese and US Firms.
2 1973/6/1 Entering Foreign Markets Through Joint Ventures. Considering MNE Behavior.
1 1972/12/1 Organization and Strategy of MNEs. MNEs and the Global Economic Regime.

The numbers represent the meeting number for the Workshop for Multinational Enterprises (shown in parentheses following the formation of the Academy of MNEs).