
【Research Papers】【Research Notes】多国籍企業研究 1August 2023 I(C) ISXTEENTHSSUE2023多国籍企業学会2023 (C) ■e Academy of Multinational Enterprise (Japan)Construction process of intermediate goods product platform using liquid crystal technology From overseas market entry by ethnic marketing to market expansion:U.S. market expansion with management resources acquired by Grupo Bimbo How Do Faltering FTAs Affect FDI and the Global Supply Chain:An Analytical Framework Considering the Impact of TPP and RCEP Initiatives on ILO’s Tripartite Declaration of Principles concerning Multinational Enterprises and Social Policy (MNE Declaration): from the point of Japanese Cases of National Contact Points under OECD Guidelines for Multinational Enterprises Tomonobu Chishima (Hannan University Management Information)Ryosuke Sugimura (Department of Business Administration, Graduate School of Social Sciences, University of Hyogo)Yiping, Lien(Faculty of Business Administration, Tottori University of Environmental Studies)Hideyuki Tsujitsuka(Ph.D. candidate, Doctoral course at graduate school, Soka University)ISSN 2432-3055 (1) (19) (35) (53)TABLE OF CONTENTS■e Academy of Multinational Enterprise (Japan)August 2023■e MNE Academy JournalVol. 16

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